Terms and Conditions

Hello and welcome to X4Signs.com! This website is provided as a service to our customers and you should read these Terms and Conditions carefully. There is nothing hidden in them. However, they are important because these terms and conditions govern your access and use of X4Signs.com.

By accessing and using the Website, you agree to be bound to all the terms and conditions and to any additional guidelines, restrictions, or rules that may be included to regulate some sections or services of this Website. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, we would be shocked but in that case, you should leave the Website immediately.

In addition, X4Signs.com reserves the right to make modifications to the Site or these Terms and Conditions at any time without telling you in advance. Concerning those modifications, alterations, or updates you agree to be bound to them as well by accessing and using the Website.

Nevertheless, sometimes we might need to tell you some legal stuff and notify you electronically about some things. The way we will notify you is up to us. It could be posting about it on the site or by sending you an email to the address you registered at our Website.

Of course, you may withdraw your consent from receiving this type of electronic communications from us at any time. To do that, email us at [email protected] and we will take you off the mailing list. Nevertheless, please note that if you no longer consent to receive our communications electronically, you must also stop using your account in X4Signs.com.

Terms of Use

You are permitted to use this Website and its Content for only the following purposes: preparing, evaluating, and ordering products or services only through X4Signs.com (let’s call that “Products” from now on). This means that you are not granted permission to download, retain, use, or distribute any portion of the Content without authorization. 

As you can see, obtaining products from X4Signs.com does not give you the right to use any Content apart from the finished Products as they are supplied to you by X4Signs.com.  

With that out of the way, let’s also comment that we count on your agreement concerning the responsible use of this Website. That means, complying with these Terms and Conditions as well as your local laws and regulations, including import and export regulations.

Under no circumstance or conditions, you are allowed to use any portion of Content as a trademark or service mark, for any pornographic use, for any unlawful purpose or use, to defame a person, to violate any person’s right of privacy or publicity, or to infringe upon any copyright, trade name, trademark, service mark or other intellectual property rights of any person or entity.

In short, you agree to be a nice person and not use the Website to produce Products that are offensive, unlawful, harassing, libelous, threatening, harmful, obscene, malicious, or otherwise objectionable.

If a customer chooses to use X4Signs.com to engage in undesirable activities, X4Signs.com may terminate its service to that customer. So, please, be careful because you are the only person or entity responsible for the use you give to the Content in combination with any other images, graphics, text, or other materials you integrate into the Products you purchase.

In addition, you agree that you have obtained the appropriate authorizations from the owners of any text, image, design, trademark, service mark, or any copyrighted work of any third party that you choose to include in your Products

We are trusting you and consider that you warrant that your Products do not infringe upon any rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, right of publicity or privacy, and will not libel or defame any third party

Considering that, every time you place an order in X4Signs.com, you are telling us implicitly that you have done your part and have all the necessary permission, right, and authority to place the order and then authorize X4Signs.com to produce the Products on your behalf.


Job Cancellations after Approval

We need your help on this one. Please, be careful. Once your job reaches the “Job In Print Queue” status they cannot be stopped or cancelled. This is important because as a part of this policy we do not offer refunds of any kind after a job has been processed to be printed.

Color Proof Accuracy

Without getting too technical, let’s just say that the colors you see on the screen may not look 100% the same on the printed job. There will always be small differences in color accuracy. The differences may be bigger for those printed pieces that come from proofs supplied by customers since those images are not calibrated to our presses.


About the Proofs Supplied by Customers

If you as a customer select the option “No Proof. Print As Is” you are basically letting us know that you have properly checked what you are sending us. We are not responsible for any errors that may occur on the customer’s printing job if they select that option. So, check your file at least twice!


About your files

You can download the files you have uploaded to our site, from "ORDERS" section on your account. Please keep in mind that files are deleted from our system every month, so not all of your files will be available to download. We recommend uploading your files on “My designs” to have them available at all time.

About Copyrighted Property

The reference to “Content” in these terms and conditions refers to graphics, photographs, images, document layouts, artwork, text, fonts, software tools, and any other information contained in X4Signs.com.

This Website and all Content are the copyrighted property of X4Signs.com and/or its subsidiaries (we will simplify and call it “X4Signs.com” from now on) or the copyrighted property of parties that have given license to X4Signs.com to use such property.

With that in mind, all rights to this Site and its Content are reserved. However, customers of x4Signs.com (account holders) and other persons with written approval to do so, are allowed to retain the copy, distribute, publish, or use any portion of the Content except as expressively specified in these Terms and Conditions.

We also reserve the right to add, delete, or modify any Content without prior notification.



If you violate these Terms and Conditions you agree to indemnify, defend and hold X4Signs.com harmless, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, and suppliers from any liability, loss, claim, and expense relates to said violation.

The same goes for all claims related to misuse of trademarks, copyright, or other protected material. In those cases, you also agree to indemnify, defend, and hold X4Signs.com harmless.


Right to Refuse Services

We reserve the right to refuse service or products to any person or organization. 
